[03:50:07] I'm willing to help a little (re @Csisc1994: I can make a try.) [04:41:52] This makes me think of something…currently functions are not belonging to any python like « modules/submodules »? So it will always be``` [04:41:52] from wikifunctions import Z1 [04:41:54] ``` [04:41:55] ? [04:41:57] Wouldn’t it be interesting to be able to do ``` [04:41:58] from wikifunctions.module.submodule import Z1111 [04:42:00] ``` [04:42:01] ? (re @Csisc1994: I think that we should create a Python Package that loads and uses Wikifunctions implementations.) [07:57:51] I rather think of wikifunctions.function["Z1111"](args). (re @adafede: This makes me think of something…currently functions are not belonging to any python like « modules/submodules »? So it will alw...) [07:58:32] Using import implies that we need to update the list of functions at the Python Package every time. [07:59:05] Still think that having them categorized would help usera a lot [08:00:26] wikifunctions.chemistry… [08:00:27] wikifunctions.string_manipulation… [08:00:28] Et cætera [08:01:09] I agree. (re @adafede: wikifunctions.chemistry… [08:01:10] wikifunctions.string_manipulation… [08:01:12] Et cætera) [09:00:46] https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1xuOkIL0H7boDTUCliojwGTSxbAyCwaFj?usp=drive_link is the link that shows the principle of what we can do. [09:01:36] @adafede Al GrounderUK @dpriskorn. [11:23:46] @vrandecic We can scrape the JSON and upload all the data as a part of a class. [11:24:01] This includes the multilingual labels of the functions. [15:51:55] It's a flat namespace. That's one of the advantages of having numeric identifiers. Given that they are ZIDs I'm not sure how modules would be helpful. The main reason for modules is to keep simpler contextual names in each module. There's no need to do so with numeric IDs. (re @adafede: This makes me think of something…currently functions are not belonging to any [15:51:56] python like « [15:51:56]  modules/submodules »? So it will alw...) [16:12:22] Still, having functions grouped by some mean (not flat) would help? (re @vrandecic: It's a flat namespace. That's one of the advantages of having numeric identifiers. Given that they are ZIDs I'm not sure how mod...) [16:14:30] if zobjects had statements then adding a hierarchy of some sort would be easier (re @adafede: Still, having functions organized by some mean (not flat) would help?) [16:17:07] Wikifunctions objects can have corresponding Wikidata items… (re @mahir256: if zobjects had statements then adding a hierarchy of some sort would be easier) [16:17:48] Commons files have their own statements, rather than having Wikidata items; why not also Wikifunctions objects? [16:20:07] Yes, agreed that it would be helpful to organize functions and objects better. Statements are one possibility, but it's a very heavyweight solution. I wonder if there are more light weight ones that would take us quite far. [16:20:22] I would encourage folks to explore and try out things! [16:22:40] Categories on talk pages are one way that's available right now. If that proves useful, that might be one way that could be better supported. Full statements, with ranks, qualifiers, sources... As said, a bit wary about that. [16:38:26] There’s always just aliases, I suppose…🤷‍♂️ [20:43:56] I think as the basic definitions of a function should not change a few days after creation it is enough to structure the content at curated Wikitext pages and do some analytics based on the Wikifunctions dump. I am interested in working on analysis regarding the Wikifunctions dump and the included Z-Objects at the Wikimania Hackathon onsite in Katowice in August [20:43:56] 2024. If some of [20:43:57] you attend there I maybe meet you at Wikimania this year. [21:07:29] I found that several Python Packages are pre-installed in Wikifunctions. [21:07:52] An example is urllib3. Is there a list of them. [21:09:47] urllib != urllib3 (and urllib is part of the Python standard library) (re @Csisc1994: An example is urllib3. Is there a list of them.) [21:10:16] I see. (re @mahir256: urllib != urllib3 (and urllib is part of the Python standard library)) [21:10:46] Thank you. [21:12:37] https://rustpython.github.io/pages/whats-left lists the Python standard library modules not currently implemented in the Rust runtime [21:13:24] That is very useful. (re @mahir256: https://rustpython.github.io/pages/whats-left lists the Python standard library modules not currently implemented in the Rust ru...) [21:13:31] Thank you.