[00:53:44] The "Function explorer" panel on a function page such as https://www.wikifunctions.org/view/en/Z12592 - it should information only about this particular function, right? [00:54:30] When I translated the message with its title, I translated "Function" in the plural, because an "explorer" is often a thing that shows multiple thing. [00:54:53] I wasn't the only one: https://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Special:Translations&message=MediaWiki%3AWikilambda-function-explorer-title%2Fhe [00:56:14] Perhaps it could be a better title? I updated this message's qqq documentation to say that it's just one function, but it should probably be changed completely. It's not very good in English to begin with. [00:56:26] Perhaps it could be something like "Function overview"? [00:57:11] Or maybe this title could be discarded completely, and the panel could be unified with the "About" panel above it. [01:02:29] (I don't know how is it called in Windows now, but I'm old enough to remember the "File explorer" from the 1990s versions of Windows. That one was definitely made for exploring many files and not a particular one, so the word "File" was translated into Hebrew in the plural, and the same was probably true in some other languages. In English, it could be called "Files [01:02:29] explorer", bu [01:02:30] t it's also correct to say "File explorer", and that's what Windows' designers chose for English. In some other languages, however, it has to be plural.) [01:26:53] I agree that "Function explorer" is not good in English. Maybe "Function structure"? (re @amire80: Perhaps it could be something like "Function overview"?) [01:28:18] That's OK, too. [01:34:30] Mostly unrelated question [01:35:31] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/8f3b93ae/file_62883.jpg [01:35:42] I'm on the desktop, looking at https://www.wikifunctions.org/view/he/Z10000 [01:36:03] My user interface language in the preferences is Hebrew. The URL asks for Hebrew. [01:36:10] Why do I see a banner in Bengali at the top? [01:38:06] Another mostly unrelated question. At https://www.wikifunctions.org/view/he/Z10000 , there are lists of Implementations and Tests. Are the names in the "Name" columns in these two tables translatable? [01:39:07] If they are not translatable, are they assumed to be in English? Or can an editor define them to be in some other language? [01:39:52] I had understood these to come from the labels of the linked implementations/tests, so that yes they are translatable (re @amire80: Another mostly unrelated question. At https://www.wikifunctions.org/view/he/Z10000 , there are lists of Implementations and Test...) [01:40:57] (at this time I see that two implementations and all five tests have Bengali labels) [01:41:48] Indeed. (re @mahir256: (at this time I see that two implementations and all five tests have Bengali labels)) [01:42:07] But how do I actually translate them? [01:43:55] Oh, I think I see it. [01:44:16] you go to an implementation/test, and click on the pencil icon in the top left (top right for rtl scripts)there you should have the option to select the language to edit labels for : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/c620c20b/file_62884.jpg [01:44:32] and guess what, I'm getting a Hebrew banner now (re @amire80: Why do I see a banner in Bengali at the top?) [01:44:49] Me too (but with ltr direction). (re @mahir256: and guess what, I'm getting a Hebrew banner now) [10:50:15] I created this function today Z18181 [10:50:16] Next up is a support function that fetches Swedish fuel price and a support function that calculates distance based on input of two cities uring geolocation. [10:50:18] Does anyone here know if WMF have a nominatim or other geolocation service already that I can use?