[11:56:37] About https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Status_updates/2024-07-18 [11:57:51] It says: "This includes creating functions that replicate the functionality of frequently used, existing templates or modules on English Wikipedia, and to make functions available for contributors to use on other wikis with little or no effort." [12:00:21] But already back in 2020, the plan said: [12:00:21] This plan covers the initial 30 months of development. The main deliverables after that time will be: [12:00:22] 1. Wikifunctions, a new WMF project and wiki, with its own community, and its own mission, aiming to provide a catalog of functions and allow everyone to share in that catalog, thus empowering people by democratizing access to computational knowledge. [12:00:24] 2. A cross-wiki repository to share templates and modules between the WMF projects, which is a long-standing wish by the communities. This will be part of Wikifunctions. [12:00:25] 3. Abstract Wikipedia, a cross-wiki project that allows to define Content in Wikidata, independently of a natural language, and that is integrated in several local Wikipedias, considerably increasing the amount of knowledge speakers of currently underserved languages can share in. [12:00:27] Source: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Abstract_Wikipedia/Tasks [12:01:25] So what's new? [17:43:46] It also says "Note that all timing depends on how much headcount we actually work with." [17:43:46] And [17:43:48] "Part P1 is about getting Wikifunctions up and running, and sufficiently developed to support the Content creation required for Part P2. [17:43:49] Part P2 is then about setting up the creation of Content within Wikidata, and allowing the Wikipedias to access that Content." [17:43:51] I'm guessing that we are somewhere between P1 and P2. You can create functions, but they only return string or boolean for now so they are perhaps quite limited compared to what is needed for global WP templates. (re @amire80: Source: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Abstract_Wikipedia/Tasks) [17:47:24] Regarding: "A cross-wiki repository to share templates and modules between the WMF projects, which is a long-standing wish by the communities. This will be part of Wikifunctions." [17:47:25] This I have not seen yet. Maybe it got delayed until the core WF was stable and working? [18:48:40] I mean, I'm very happy that this long document says the same thing that I've been saying for many years: that the most common and most frustrating issue we heard about from participants is the mismatch of templates across WPs. That's a direct quote. [18:49:57] But I'm confused about the current recommendation. It is "creating functions that replicate the functionality of frequently used". Does this mean "rewriting them in one of the programming languages that Wikifunctions supports"? [18:52:36] How about getting Wikifunctions to support wikitext and Lua as languages in which functions can be written? If you do this, then you get all the templates and not just the frequently used ones. [18:54:43] (Also, I don't like singling out the templates and modules specifically on the *English* Wikipedia. Several other languages have templates in which many wikis are interested: Russian, French, German, Hebrew, Catalan, etc.) [18:54:50] (But that's a minor issue.) [20:14:19] It would of course be very useful to be able to copy over Lua to WF instead of rewriting every single template. I don't know the number of Lua lines in all the wikis but I'm guessing we are talking about 500k+ lines in total. [20:15:52] Before copying a single line of Lua is worthwhile we need: [20:15:54] * Lua support [20:15:55] * Ability to use WF from templates in all wikis [22:20:19] Well, Dr. Vrandečić says that the second of these two things will happen quite soon if all goes well. (re @dpriskorn: Before copying a single line of Lua is worthwhile we need: [22:20:19] * Lua support [22:20:21] * Ability to use WF from templates in all wikis) [22:20:36] Here. (re @vrandecic: Yes, if all goes well, that would be the outcome) [22:21:13] The first... I don't know. [22:32:56] 8305 [22:33:08] 8564