[00:23:52] I don't think it will be possible to translate those modules into Wikifunctions. (re @dpriskorn: I'm looking so much forward to seeing this work. I would like to translate the CS1 lua modules to wikifunctions. That will be a ...) [00:24:42] And the rewriting of the Lua code into JavaScript or Python is not the biggest problem. [00:25:34] I tried, and ChatGPT can actually do this surprisingly well. Every line has to be verified, of course, but it can certainly save some time. [00:26:17] So translating the code of one module from Lua to JavaScript or Python is not a big deal by itself. Translating many modules probably won't scale well. [00:28:21] But that, as I said, is not the problem. The citation modules need to support italic text and links. That requires wikitext or HTML, and as far as I understand, Wikifunctions will output plain text that is not parsed as wikitext. [00:28:57] Whoever thinks that I understand incorrectly should speak up. [00:31:02] I also don't completely understand how will it work for generating text for the Dagbani Wikipedia. It may be able to generate Dagbani sentences, but they won't have any italic text, bold text, links, or template transclusions. [00:31:11] Again, if anyone thinks that I'm wrong, please speak up. [00:34:00] I was hoping there would eventually be an option to return strings which get parsed. Hence functions like Z11139. But I recognize that this may end up being a different object type (perhaps similar to the unreleased Z89). (re @amire80: But that, as I said, is not the problem. The citation modules need to support italic text and links. That requires wikitext or H...) [00:35:51] It's been a while since I used Lua, but I imagine that there will be complications related to the global variables available to Lua modules which are not available in Wikifunctions. E.g. the current date and time, or the name of the wiki page we are on when running the function. (re @amire80: So translating the code of one module from Lua to JavaScript or Python is not [00:35:51] a big deal by itself.) [00:52:34] Yes, that's an issue, too. But it's minor when compared to the wikitext issue. At Wikimania 2024, Mr. Forrester said quite clearly that the output will be plain text and not wikitext. But again, perhaps I misunderstood something. (re @Toby: It's been a while since I used Lua, but I imagine that there will be complications related to the global variables available to [00:52:34] ...) [00:54:49] Also, translating _Lua_ code of _one_ module into a JavaScript or Python implementation of a Wikifunctiona is a _relatively_ small deal. [00:54:49] But if anyone is thinking of translating _all_ the Lua modules into Wikifunctions, it will start having problems of scale. [00:54:51] And if anyone is thinking of translating any wikitext templates into Wikifunctions, let alone, _many_ wikitext templates, well... 🍿. [01:02:26] So anyway... if anyone has more info about the roadmap with regard of parsing Wikifunctions output as wikitext, I'd love to read it. [05:56:32] Wasn't that just "at first, it will only output plain text"? (re @amire80: Yes, that's an issue, too. But it's minor when compared to the wikitext issue. At Wikimania 2024, Mr. Forrester said quite clear...) [06:06:32] Maybe. I'm not sure. I'd be really happy to read a written plan about it. I tried to find it, and I couldn't. (re @Jan_ainali: Wasn't that just "at first, it will only output plain text"?) [06:19:14] I am more concerned about the performance. With all these layers i architecture, will it be able to perform at scale [09:13:19] Thanks! I asked a question on the talk page. (re @Sannita: ok the status update is out here https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Status_updates/2024-09-26) [09:19:17] I'll bring it up to the team and let you all know about it (re @Jan_ainali: Thanks! I asked a question on the talk page.) [09:59:41] Abstract Wikipedia session at Celtic Knot Conference is taking place in 30 minutes [10:00:41] with our very @genocation presenting [10:02:55] Is it possible to watch online? (re @Ameisenigel: Abstract Wikipedia session at Celtic Knot Conference is taking place in 30 minutes) [10:04:15] I hope that it will be possible via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83037356511 [10:17:23] while I wait an answer from the Celtic Knot channel, at least I can share the presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_1Qud1hT5vhFQXadaPEYjKlJ2Dcy4jHU/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104795262992349529747&rtpof=true&sd=true [10:17:40] yes it's Google Doc, but it's also the link in the program [10:33:29] Seems silent here (re @Ameisenigel: I hope that it will be possible via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83037356511) [10:37:26] Yes, unfortunately [10:38:01] Now it is starting [10:38:01] here we go! [10:38:11] Yea [10:55:55] Celtic Knot Conference 2024: Abstract Wikipedia: Natural Language Generation driven by the Community, [10:55:55] Speaker: Genoveva Galarza Heredero, Happening now: [10:55:57] Link to Join: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83037356511 [10:55:58] Meeting ID: 830 3735 6511