[00:09:35] @vrandecic I think it would help to have more info from the team about this. (re @Al: Those are both good questions! I’m assuming that we wouldn’t be using the converters for “same-language” re-entrancy, but, still...) [00:11:56] Is it likely that the capabilities of the JS date object will expand in the next 10 years? (re @vrandecic: And I am not arguing for one side or the other. I think I would be fine with the 3 key solution for Python, and either the 3 key...) [00:12:40] JavaScript?????? (re @Toby: Is it likely that the capabilities of the JS date object will expand in the next 10 years?) [00:13:17] There's not a snowball's chance in hell [00:17:03] Perhaps if TC39 decides to really really care about it [00:17:40] But this kinda thing gets 5 years to get approved if it's a community and TC39 priority [00:18:41] With the actual implementation and if it's not a priority, it'll take decades, if it ever does happen [00:19:20] We requested const and let for *12 years* before ES6 [01:12:24] I think we should really have a separate on-wiki place for these more technical discussions. Flooding the telegram with a bunch of hard to follow and hard to find discussion doesn't seem like the best move [01:14:20] I'll leave it here as well, I'm opposed to the idea of re-entrancy as a whole. (re @Toby: @vrandecic I think it would help to have more info from the team about this.)