[02:35:23] Multi-argument apply is necessary for some things related to Wikidata items (re @vrandecic: Newsletter 184: [02:35:24] * Function of the Week: age [02:35:25] * Call for Functions: Intros for year articles [02:35:27] * Recent Changes in the software [02:35:28] * Ne...) [02:35:49] One could imagine a config of functions that do comparison [02:36:16] We would want to take an item, get its lexeme in a language, and apply the configuration [02:36:52] But we only have a 1-argument apply, so we can only do that with 1-argument functions [04:35:11] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/16f9ce55/file_67512.jpg [10:31:33] 🎄