[01:51:35] I see this text near the bottom of the main page "<ǃ--Maybe add back foundation wiki? There's a thing here where whether or not the grid is displayed as 4x4 or sometimes a 5x3/3x5 so either way one looks really bad. -->" (re @Feeglgeef: Any coloring suggestions for the main page? Other than media and links it's completely monochrome right now) [02:14:44] K (re @Toby: I see this text near the bottom of the main page "<ǃ--Maybe add back foundation wiki? There's a thing here where whether or not ...) [02:14:53] I added that [02:15:10] Not sure what you are trying to say [02:15:49] It's like really really annoying. On some devices it looks normal but on some it doesn't [02:16:23] Ahh fuck I fucked that up really fucking badly [02:19:19] Ah I see what I did [02:19:26] Thanks for catching that [04:06:40] https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8Fr8eP8/ [05:50:40] Can someone help check this test: Z21411. I'm getting the binaries from [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-precision_floating-point_format]] and putting the pieces through Z21163 and Z12982 to get the components of the float64. All the tests were going well until this one... [05:52:05] The line that Z21411 is replicating is "0 11111111110 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112 ≙ 7FEF FFFF FFFF FFFF16 ≙ +21023 × (1 + (1 − 2−52)) ≈ 1.7976931348623157 × 10308 (Max. double)" [06:42:35] Looks like a Canocialization issue from a really quick check. (re @Toby: Can someone help check this test: Z21411. I'm getting the binaries from [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-precision_floatin...) [06:45:28] Hmm [06:46:10] Ahh. The type converter is the issue here [06:46:57] the math module doesn't like it when you try to use an exponent of 1023 [06:47:17] IIRC [08:09:41] I've created Z21414 and Z21416 as examples of what abstract Constructors could look like on Wikifunctions [08:10:46] I think it would be nice for constructor functions to be able to decide when to evaluate the constructor/function calls in it's inputs [11:44:23] Good feedback. I've made a test that is difficult for the equality function: Z21420 (re @Feeglgeef: the math module doesn't like it when you try to use an exponent of 1023) [18:23:59] @vrandecic can we get a validator for rational numbers? [18:54:36] I’m not sure what you mean. (re @Feeglgeef: I think it would be nice for constructor functions to be able to decide when to evaluate the constructor/function calls in it's ...) [21:48:26] Like (re @Al: I’m not sure what you mean.)