[01:41:59] I'm having trouble with Z21436. At first I directly constructed it as a float64, but that gave errors, so now I've wrapped it in Echo, and it's complaining about a type mismatch. [01:47:53] Is it the generic type one? (re @Toby: I'm having trouble with Z21436. At first I directly constructed it as a float64, but that gave errors, so now I've wrapped it in...) [01:48:36] I've ran into that a few times [01:48:44] Otherwise I got no idea [02:08:23] Yes, "Z500K1": "Generic type function did not return a Z4" (re @Feeglgeef: Is it the generic type one?) [02:45:10] Ahh I know how to fix that one (re @Toby: Yes, "Z500K1": "Generic type function did not return a Z4") [03:12:22] great i will have a look thanks :-) (re @Feeglgeef: Yes! Thank you! I'd recommend you create new functions or add implementations to existing ones at the [[WF:Catalogue]]) [09:12:19] Perhaps be inspired by sewiki? https://se.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port%C3%A1la:Ovdasiidu (re @Feeglgeef: Any coloring suggestions for the main page? Other than media and links it's completely monochrome right now) [21:25:42] I have seen many function Labels in English what start with (!). What does this mean. For example https://www.wikifunctions.org/view/de/Z16475 [21:31:14] Does not work (re @hogue_456: I have seen many function Labels in English what start with (!). What does this mean. For example https://www.wikifunctions.org/...) [21:31:40] Or similar [21:41:11] It’s supposed to mean that an alternative type of object has been specified for use until the appropriate type becomes available. (re @hogue_456: I have seen many function Labels in English what start with (!). What does this mean. For example https://www.wikifunctions.org/...) [21:41:25] Oh (re @Al: It’s supposed to mean that an alternative type of object has been specified for use until the appropriate type becomes available...) [21:41:37] I've just been using it for does not work [21:42:15] There is a WikiProject Maintenance in Wikifunctions. I created a subpage in Wikifunctions where you can list such functions. https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:WikiProject_Maintenance/Functions_with_Errors [21:45:05] Well, I guess it wasn’t well documented 😏 (re @Feeglgeef: I've just been using it for does not work) [21:46:28] I guess this is also a meaning of it now (re @Feeglgeef: I've just been using it for does not work) [21:46:40] I'm like the second biggest object creator IIRC [21:50:23] See [[Wikifunctions:Catalogue/Number_operations#Number_operations_requiring_future_types]] for example. It’s useful to use different markers for different types of problem, but only if they are reasonably consistent. [21:50:56] Yeah (re @Al: See [[Wikifunctions:Catalogue/Number_operations#Number_operations_requiring_future_types]] for example. It’s useful to use diffe...) [21:51:06] If I had known before I wouldn't have used it [21:54:26] Luckily, they group themselves naturally on https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Special:ListObjectsByType/Z8 [21:56:52] Yes, this was my intended meaning when I labelled the specific example mentioned Z16475 (re @Al: It’s supposed to mean that an alternative type of object has been specified for use until the appropriate type becomes available...) [21:57:14] Oh [21:57:22] Ok [21:59:56] Please note that I proposed ⚠️ for deprecated functions (because they then go to the end of the list) https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Project_chat/Archive/2024/09#Deprecation_of_Z17464_and_the_function_deprecation_(and_deletion)_process