[02:38:40] And done, let us know if you run into any problems. [17:30:34] surprisingly, ElasticSearch has been working quite well [18:44:57] I love that elasticsearch is so powerful yet still open source. Take that, google [18:48:30] @agentisai wikis appear to be down with DB connection timeuts [18:49:53] "(Cannot access the database: Cannot access the database: Connection timed out (db11))" [18:50:28] apt upgrade triggered and it seems it's still running [18:55:48] and we're back [18:56:01] interesting, it seems the latest update added `bind-address =` to my.cnf [21:26:31] does wikitide have a sitemap? [21:27:07] Each wiki does, in fact [21:27:55] Guessing this is related to Google Search Console and WikiSEO? [21:28:23] hmm I used the link in your guide and its empty, the wiki is definitely older than 1 week tho and I created articles before that too [21:28:42] yes I didnt even think of doing that until your message, thats why I answered to it [21:30:11] Hrm, yeah that should have run by now I'm pretty sure. [21:30:20] One sec, I'll do a bit of poking around [21:34:23] [1/2] Yeah, definitely should have run, currently set to do so on saturdays. [21:34:23] [2/2] I'll ping @Site Reliability Engineers on this one (no sitemap generated for cslmoddingwikitide) and see if I can't run it manually on your behalf [21:34:47] no stress, I only wanted to know if it should exist at all :D [21:35:35] Is it? [21:35:43] I thought it was set to run on the 1st and 15th [21:36:29] [1/10] This is what I was seeing in the runner.pp file: [21:36:29] [2/10] ``` cron { 'generate wikitide sitemap index': [21:36:30] [3/10] ensure => present, [21:36:30] [4/10] command => "/usr/bin/python3 /srv/mediawiki/${version}/extensions/WikiTideMagic/py/generateSitemapIndex.py -B static.wikiforge.net -K ${aws_s3_access_key} -S ${aws_s3_access_secret_key} >> /var/log/mediawiki/cron/generate-wikitide-sitemap-index.log", [21:36:30] [5/10] user => 'www-data', [21:36:31] [6/10] minute => '0', [21:36:31] [7/10] hour => '0', [21:36:31] [8/10] month => '*', [21:36:31] [9/10] weekday => [ '5' ], [21:36:32] [10/10] }``` [21:36:37] https://github.com/WikiForge/puppet/blob/master/modules/mediawiki/manifests/jobqueue/runner.pp [21:36:47] But that might be out of date... [21:37:46] Oops, grabbed the wrong part [21:39:14] seems to be on whatever day 5 is [21:39:39] oh you know why [21:39:48] Updated to day 6. 🙂 [21:40:08] Oooh, curious on this... [21:41:25] Is it because the generate sitemap script isn't in the right version folder? [21:41:46] It's because Puppet isn't enabled on jobrunner11 [21:42:21] Ope. [21:43:37] @notaracham btw, that would be extensions/WikiTideMagic/