[13:43:33] [1/2] Could you tell me how long does it take to activate Cargo in general? [13:43:33] [2/2] If you know that, it will help us to plan the next step of a wiki. [13:43:55] [1/2] Could you tell me how long does it take to activate Cargo in general? [13:43:55] [2/2] If you know that, it will help us to plan the next step of a wiki. [13:44:03] But I don't care if it's not an exact answer, it's volunteer work! [13:45:03] I could activate it now if you give me the wiki URL [13:51:09] done [13:58:29] Sorry to rush you through this. Thank you so much!!🥰 [14:15:48] [1/2] An error occurs when I try to create a database. Can it be fixed by waiting for a while? [14:15:48] [2/2] ``Cannot access the database: :real_connect(): (HY000/1044): Access denied for user 'cargouser'@'%' to database 'valorantjpwikitidecargo'`` [16:57:41] i don't know if this needs a whole support thread made for it, but how do i bypass this? [16:58:25] In ManageWiki/settings, there's a setting called something like "Strict Display Titles" which has to be disabled [16:59:01] thanks [17:12:35] uh, my wiki is showing a blank page when i visit it [17:12:38] not even an error [17:12:41] just blank [17:33:30] There was a 500 error 😢 And I can't upload images. [17:34:01] There was a 500 error 😢 And I can't upload images. [17:35:15] Yandex just emailed me about this too [17:35:43] @agentisai [17:36:13] What Uel? [17:36:38] https://alpha.sagan4.org/wiki/Main_Page [17:37:01] interesting, error 500 [17:37:05] I'm guessing it's an extension [17:37:08] Other wikis seem fine [17:38:07] seems to be SMW [17:39:16] `PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare smwfContLang() (previously declared in /srv/mediawiki/1.40/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/GlobalFunctions.php:28)` [17:39:33] But the other wikis have it [17:39:40] Could it be Semantic Scribunto? [17:39:51] I think I only installed that one on Alpha [17:40:15] oh, that's a good idea [17:40:27] ah yes, it is Semantic Scribunto [17:40:31] I didn't finish the script I was making with it so it's okay to disable, won't break the wiki [17:40:47] will do [17:42:29] @disgustedorite disabled [17:43:52] My wiki is alive! [17:51:36] @Site Reliability Engineers [21:09:29] will look into it