[07:23:07] Using the Citizen's guide to incorperate the skin to the extensions. This is a basic Character Navigation template with parser from StructedNavigation [08:12:20] [1/2] Something navigation? [08:12:21] [2/2] Using (Advanced)TemplateStyles with the skin's variables. [10:38:16] [1/34] ```CSS [10:38:17] [2/34] / This CSS code shall be put in MediaWiki:Citizen.css in case you want to apply the theme to the Wikibase extension / [10:38:17] [3/34] // [10:38:17] [4/34] / MADE WITH LOVE BY PISCES / [10:38:18] [5/34] // [10:38:18] [6/34] .wikibase-entitytermsview .wikibase-toolbar-container, [10:38:18] [7/34] .wikibase-entitytermsview .wikibase-toolbar-container .wikibase-toolbar-container { [10:38:19] [8/34] background: none !important; [10:38:19] [9/34] } [10:38:19] [10/34] .wikibase-statementgrouplistview .wikibase-statementgroupview-property, [10:38:19] [11/34] .wikibase-statementgrouplistview .wikibase-statementlistview, [10:38:20] [12/34] .wikibase-statementview div.thumb img, [10:38:20] [13/34] .wikibase-statementview div.thumb audio, [10:38:21] [14/34] .wikibase-statementview div.thumb video, [14:28:22] And I found out the bypass for the styles.css problem: Go to ManageWiki/namespaces, then go to the Template settings, then disable TemplateStyles for that namespace, and re-enable it, and from that time, I don't have to change the content model for that. [17:12:01] ah, finally free from what that used to be helpful. PageForms still need alot of rooms for improvements. [19:33:16] How do I set cosmos to display global groups?