[03:33:03] No official stat, seems to be the same [04:02:18] [1/3] > Warning: The database has been locked for maintenance, so you will not be able to publish your edits right now. You may wish to copy and paste your text into a text file and save it for later. [04:02:18] [2/3] > [04:02:18] [3/3] > The system administrator who locked it offered this explanation: The primary database server is running in read-only mode. [04:02:29] @Site Reliability Engineers [04:03:15] ditto that: The primary database server is running in read-only mode. [04:15:49] There are no sceduled one, so let us wait- [04:16:30] Should be fixed. [04:18:58] Somehow the DB just suddenly went into read only I will try to investigate why later. [04:19:08] yes. I got a 504 at first, then tried again and it worked [04:20:23] I still get yhe system administrator who locked it offered this explanation: The primary database server is running in read-only mode. [04:20:40] It went back into read only wtf [04:22:23] And also: Phorge right now [04:23:17] I will try to test out MediaSpoilers before we can do anything else for now [04:45:51] I noticed that as I attempt to get it to work on an gallery item, it show signs that it actually does, but not actually [05:09:29] Apologies for the wrong link in the initial announcement. That has now been corrected. [06:53:29] So just to clarify that I’m reading correctly, would the proposed merger entail the WikiTide board, +\- some people from the current Miraheze board assuming control of Miraheze and then combining the two farms? [06:54:29] More or less, though precise details and legal technicals would still need to be worked out. [11:15:51] @platyellow may I know if the issue at [[wtphorge:T108]] is resolved in your side? [11:15:52] [16:51:33] I'm [17:33:24] Hey! I've been looking for an answer for some time now, but I can't figure out what the difference in platform services is between wikitide and wikiforge. It seems high-impact extensions (meaning cargo, smw, cirrus) are available in both places. Reliability guarantees? Priority support? Just not having to be approved? I couldn't find anything that spelled it out. [19:10:12] you get a dedicated server on wikiforge instead of being on the same server as everything else like on wikitide [19:12:42] and I might be wrong but I think that also means you get to have a lot more control over settings and server stuff and also bypass some limits that are placed on wikitide for performance reasons? [20:13:24] If the merge happens will all the wikitide domains be under miraheze? And will the site wikitide still exist @reception123 @notaracham [20:18:58] Those details will be confirmed later but it is highly unlikely that there will be any domain changes in the first few months [21:42:57] <.labster> Unless there are clashes, couldn't we just have one server transparently redirect to the other? [22:19:50] <.labster> https://meta.wikitide.org/wiki/Finance page is empty 😦 [22:36:02] Thanks for the reminder, we were waiting on IRS status to update. @agentisai will address once time permits, given holiday time-crunch. [22:51:12] <.labster> I hope it’s soon, because I really want to address if WT’s infra model can really support running at MH’s scale with our available finances. [22:54:00] @agentisai can speak to specifics, but last math I heard is that we would be able to get equivalent (or better) power for a third of current MH cost by migrating off of the legacy hardware, based on deals we've cut with our hosts. [22:54:23] corporate secrets :trollgod: [22:54:43] I actually had that ready a few weeks ago but I didn't want to spoil our 501(c)(3) news prematurely [22:54:47] I'll make sure to update promptly [22:58:55] <.labster> It’s only because, as that voter said, you are the Second Coming of Fandom [23:01:32] We'll be sure to roll out our A+ wiki verification program in the next fiscal quarter. 🤣 [23:04:20] <.labster> I’ll get my TPS reports ready