[00:38:08] Removed, more appropriate for off-topic, thanks. 🙂 [00:39:08] The thing Piscese linked was creating a very fancy navigational pane that switches themes gracefully. Great work, Pisces! [01:32:02] https://tenor.com/view/cat-cats-cat-eating-eating-eating-cat-gif-8459125914348971806 [01:32:03] Huh [01:32:17] Tf is a pane [01:47:51] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088870295970009221/1193007994405916672/image.png?ex=65ab2646&is=6598b146&hm=191e0edbc6655c421428f158b08d286bac75f3457fa69373b916f3feb88ee789& [02:22:00] Oh [14:23:52] And sinces it was redesigned from the default UI itself, we can just embed it in the page without having to use the TemplateStyles extension [20:03:58] @serverlessharej hi [20:04:04] @serverlessharej around? [20:04:07] Hello [20:04:50] @serverlessharej why is community process being used for an official action? [20:05:17] (E.g. as director of T&S, can you not just ask for the TS role to be given to your official account) [20:05:54] As soon as SRE give you an person@miraheze.org email, they can create a Person (Miraheze) account and assign roles as needed. [20:05:58] (currently in process, see phab task) [20:06:48] Yes I see a task [20:07:01] So I'm asked @serverlessharej why community proccess is being used [20:07:09] Because I have a number of issues with that [20:08:47] I didn't know what the process was, and it had not happened yet. [20:09:29] @serverlessharej okay, in short, you'll get an account for your official duties created by SRE as part of the task and it'll have the right powers [20:09:49] But also congrats on getting the agreement through [20:09:56] Can we get a formal announcement ? [20:10:26] This is your Phab task: https://phabricator.miraheze.org/T11631 [20:10:49] No worries on not knowing - it happens to all of us 🙂 [20:15:24] Yep, pending us finalizing an FAQ [20:15:37] Porgress coming on that front [23:01:06] WHERE IS OMNIMAN?!??! [23:01:20] wat [23:07:53] Final warning on off-topic conversation/gifs/etc in general chat. [23:08:05] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088870295970009221/1193330174557704232/cow-femur-breaker.mov?ex=65ac5254&is=6599dd54&hm=9767618779e59a4653739c3346889b4898227d160b7d5238b2b69b273d7a0bdb&