[02:08:58] also: @agentisai @reception123 @notaracham will need `Meta Admin` discord roles when done [02:09:00] and IRC perms [02:26:37] oops [02:26:40] wrong server [02:26:45] πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ [03:35:34] do we know what'll happen with IRC? [03:35:40] are we transferring to MH or keeping WT? [03:56:37] Keeping WT [04:01:50] Not accurate, necessarily, as I think Brandon was asking about this discord server specifically. [04:02:20] Re: the two servers, no decision yet, we'll give plenty of advance warning. [04:07:46] was asking re Discord/IRC, yeah [04:07:49] πŸ‘ [04:55:06] ah [04:55:11] I see [05:15:51] [1/2] sometimes, but not always, I see this forming a wall at the top of my screen when using semantic drilldown [05:15:51] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088870295970009221/1195959441871343737/image.png?ex=65b5e306&is=65a36e06&hm=2a24cbbc22038b49a9dfbf44ec5f7d5647dd7ae4e208e376284d6dc622fb1d1c& [05:16:06] wt problem or should I tell the dev? [05:16:54] It is a WT problem that is shows on page but the fact it happens ag all is a SemanticDrilldown problem [05:17:20] I have been seeing errors appear at the top of the page sometimes [05:17:40] An mw server must have debug output cranked up [07:07:25] I requested for a Wiki to get deleted on WikiTide [07:07:49] @notaracham I requested for a Wiki to get deleted on WikiTide [09:22:45] tbh it would make sense to keep this server until the point the wikis become technically indistinguishable, and then archive this server in favor of the longer established miraheze server [09:23:34] That solution makes the most sense in my eyes [09:24:16] Might as well take advantage of mira's well established infrastructure [09:29:27] well established Discord, for sure [09:29:47] well established technical infrastructure and servers, not so much πŸ˜† [09:30:26] Fair enough lmao [09:41:10] yes, miraheze the actual platform has some ways to go before it is up to par [09:41:30] discord well, pretty much homogeneous [12:16:33] gotta +1 for that [20:40:20] Yeah, this is the most likely go-forward plan, just a lot of things that are higher priority in sequence to reach consensus on. πŸ™‚ [23:26:25] The Wiki I requested to be deleted https://kaylaandrachel.wikitide.org/wiki/HlavnΓ­_strana [23:32:11] This is now done [23:37:19] Thank you so much [23:37:33] πŸ™ [23:45:42] is tehre any way that can be fixed? It's really annoying especially since I'm using semantic drilldown pretty heavily atm