[18:48:41] [1/2] Hi all, [18:48:41] [2/2] A newbie here. I have a general question about the maximum storage capacity I can get with Wikitide. We want to create our tutorial manuals in the wiki, but the image sizes overall are about 2 GB. Will Wikitide work for us? [19:16:40] [1/2] We're no longer accepting new wiki requests at WikiTide, as we've begun the process of merging our hosting platform with Miraheze. [19:16:41] [2/2] Some good news though -- if the total space you're expecting to take is around 2GB, that's on the upper end of acceptable but still very much within bounds. If you'd like to proceed, you can file a request at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWiki [20:20:42] I had no idea there was an image dump import size limit. [20:21:25] Is there an invisible storage limit for files in general? if so, that needs to be communicated because I'm concerned about Sagan 4 potentially hitting it. [20:24:22] There isn't a strictly enforced total limit to storage for an individual wiki, though there are realistic upper limits to what file sizes will import successfully [20:25:00] As we're a shared, nonprofit resource though, we ask that you help us use these resources wisely. [20:26:25] A casual check shows you as totally fine [20:56:00] Is anyone else experiencing a site can't be reached issue? I checked announcements and didn't see anything disruptive currently going on [21:18:05] [1/2] Concerning storage, this is another thing I realize too. Since my wiki serves as an alternative to an existing Fandom wiki, I don't think I can prepare in the event of many users posting images for their own personal use outside main article usage and despite my rules that prioritize only official images unless an illustration is needed but unavailable. A few pages also use GIFs i [21:18:05] [2/2] n the MBs each (averaging at 5 at max) to demonstrate how a skill is performed, and there will be plenty of skill pages. [21:35:09] Yeah, that'll almost certainly be fine as well. Even the most image-hungry wikis that are using those images legitimately in their content (i.g. not acting as a secret fileshare) rarely get above a gigabyte or two.