[04:04:27] <[1997kB]> I used to know how to produce them. :P [04:25:19] DEBUG Exception in module Translate: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. st: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponseFromData (System.Net.WebResponseStream stream, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x0017e] in :0 at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.RunWithTimeoutWorker[T] (System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[TResult] workerTask, System.Int32 timeout, System.Action abort, System.Func`1[TResult] aborted, System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource cts) [0x00118] in :0 at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse () [0x00019] in :0 at System.Net.WebClient.GetWebResponse (System.Net.WebRequest request) [0x00000] in :0 at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadBits (System.Net.WebRequest request, System.IO.Stream writeStream) [0x0011c] in :0 at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal (System.Uri address, System.Net.WebRequest& request) [0x00069] in :0 at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString (System.Uri address) [0x00011] in :0 at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString (System.String address) [0x00008] in :0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(string) at wmib.Extensions.Translate.Load () [0x00121] in :0 [04:25:37] <[1997kB]> there you go :D [08:42:03] this exception means there is some problem with NetCat module which listens on some port and can be used to make bot echo messages to IRC (usually from shell scripts or tools on wmflabs, also github PHP listener is using it to forward github messages to IRC) [08:42:18] most likely some misbehaving tool or script is causing it [08:42:49] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wm-bot#Relay_of_messages_from_scripts_and_other_tools [08:43:56] if this won't stop I could probably suppress these messages so that the crashes of connections is silent [08:44:23] I think it's some client that connects to bot and then improperly closes the network connection resulting in these [19:42:06] Neat