[15:17:55] Attempting to join #LCRNIS using wm-bot2 [15:17:55] @add #LCRNIS [19:34:52] Attempting to join #wikipedia-en-spi-clerks using wm-bot2 [19:34:52] @add #wikipedia-en-spi-clerks [19:34:53] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot2 #wikipedia-en-spi-clerks reason: InviteOnly [19:35:43] This channel is already in the database [19:35:43] @add #wikipedia-en-spi-clerks [19:35:56] Successfully parted channel: #wikipedia-en-spi-clerks [19:35:56] @part #wikipedia-en-spi-clerks [19:35:58] Attempting to join #wikipedia-en-spi-clerks using wm-bot2 [19:35:58] @add #wikipedia-en-spi-clerks [20:18:41] did something change about the way the bot handles colours? [20:19:11] iirc I used to be able to configure e.g. the RC template to use colours using the usual escape sequences [20:20:16] but it refuses to do so now [20:30:35] lol [20:30:39] I forgot the =