[12:25:38] Attempting to join ##SPQLC using wm-bot2 [12:25:38] @add ##SPQLC [12:28:37] FLAGS ##SPQLC wm-bot +v [12:28:53] This channel is already in the database [12:28:53] @add ##SPQLC [12:29:35] Successfully parted channel: ##SPQLC [12:29:35] @part ##SPQLC [12:29:43] Attempting to join ##SPQLC using wm-bot2 [12:29:43] @add ##SPQLC [12:30:39] Successfully parted channel: ##SPQLC [12:30:39] @part ##SPQLC [12:30:43] Attempting to join ##SPQLC using wm-bot2 [12:30:43] @add ##SPQLC [12:30:56] well... [12:31:34] Successfully parted channel: ##SPQLC [12:31:34] @part ##SPQLC [12:32:19] Attempting to join ##spqlc using wm-bot2 [12:32:19] @add ##spqlc [12:32:27] why... [12:37:22] Successfully parted channel: ##spqlc [12:37:22] @part ##SPQLC [12:37:33] Attempting to join ##spqlc using wm-bot2 [12:37:33] @add ##spqlc [13:21:05] Permission denied [13:21:05] @part ##SPQLC [13:21:07] Successfully parted channel: #LCRNIS [13:21:07] @part #LCRNIS [13:30:01] Successfully parted channel: ##spqlc [13:30:01] @part ##spqlc [13:30:12] Attempting to join ##SPQLC using wm-bot2 [13:30:12] @add ##SPQLC [13:30:51] bot didn't leave #LCRNIS ...... [13:34:19] System is shutting down, requested by MacFan4000 from #wm-bot [13:34:58] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [13:34:58] @part #LCRNIS [13:35:26] Attempting to join #LCRNIS using wm-bot2 [13:35:26] @add #LCRNIS [13:35:39] Successfully parted channel: #LCRNIS [13:35:39] @part #LCRNIS [13:36:08] Successfully parted channel: ##SPQLC [13:36:08] @part ##SPQLC [13:36:16] Attempting to join ##SPQLC using wm-bot2 [13:36:16] @add ##SPQLC [13:37:04] It’s working now (just needed a restart) [13:37:36] @systeminfo [13:37:36] * wm-bot2 is online; channels: 53 connected: True working: True queue: 0