[02:41:10] Successfully parted channel: #wikipedia-es-informes [02:41:10] @part #wikipedia-es-informes [02:41:18] Attempting to join #wikipedia-es-informes using wm-bot2 [02:41:18] @join #wikipedia-es-informes [14:18:28] Successfully parted channel: ##Blablubber-2 [14:18:28] @part ##Blablubber-2 [14:18:35] Attempting to join ##Blablubber-2 using wm-bot2 [14:18:35] @join ##Blablubber-2 [14:19:30] wm-bot2 having issues for anyone else? the other one is working flawlessly for me [14:46:04] Rejoining all channels on instance wm-bot2 [14:46:04] @system-rejoin-all wm-bot2 [14:48:17] wm-bot2 is/was also not working in -stewards-elections [14:48:54] @systeminfo [14:49:10] System is shutting down, requested by MacFan4000 from #wm-bot [14:49:54] @systeminfo [14:49:54] * wm-bot2 is online; channels: 61 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [14:50:09] Looks like it’s working now