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2024-03-18 08:30:01 <wm-bot> !log melos@tools-sgebastion-10 tools.itwiki deletionbot restarted
2024-03-18 08:30:04 <stashbot> Logged the message at
2024-03-18 08:50:34 <Sascha62> Hi all, I'm trying to migrate my tool to be built with Toolforge Build Service. My tool consists of two binaries: a webserver, and a cronjob. Can I use the same buildpack (and the same git repository) for both? If so, how should the Procfile look like, and what toolforge command should I use to start webserver and cronjob? The examples in the
2024-03-18 08:50:34 <Sascha62> documentation only seem to cover building a single binary. Sorry for my newbie question.
2024-03-18 08:56:13 <wm-bot> !log melos@tools-sgebastion-10 tools.stewardbots ./stewardbots/StewardBot/ restart # RC reader not reading RC
2024-03-18 08:56:17 <stashbot> Logged the message at
2024-03-18 09:13:30 <taavi> Sascha79: yes, that's possible. you should add both commands to the procfile with different names (usually `web` and then something else). the `buildservice` web service type will always start the with the first command listed in the procfile, and for the cronjob the --command argument given to the jobs framework will select the command name in the
2024-03-18 09:13:30 <taavi> Procfile
2024-03-18 09:16:51 <Sascha79> Thank you, that's super helpful!
2024-03-18 09:17:24 <dcaro> Sascha79: note though that depending on the language you use you might not be able to build the two binaries without some effort (ex. dotnet)
2024-03-18 09:27:31 <taavi> !log tools deleted shutdown grid engine VMs T314664
2024-03-18 09:27:37 <stashbot> Logged the message at
2024-03-18 09:27:38 <stashbot> T314664: [infra] Decommission the Grid Engine infrastructure -
2024-03-18 10:14:08 <wm-bot> !log taavi@tools-bastion-12 tools.wikibugs toolforge jobs restart irc
2024-03-18 10:14:11 <stashbot> Logged the message at
2024-03-18 10:31:48 <Sascha79> Another build service question: How to run unit tests during the build? I've noticed that "toolforge build start"; will happily build an image even when the head revision of my git repo is breaking its unit tests. This is not a huge issue right now, but once Toolfoge has fully automated push-to-deploy, I'd
2024-03-18 10:31:48 <Sascha79> obviously not want to not deploy releases with breaking unit tests.
2024-03-18 10:41:50 <wm-bot> !log lucaswerkmeister@tools-sgebastion-10 tools.bridgebot Double IRC messages to other bridges
2024-03-18 10:41:53 <stashbot> Logged the message at
2024-03-18 10:44:00 <arturo> !status x
2024-03-18 10:45:25 <arturo> there used to be a bot that could refresh the `Status:` in the topic of this channel?
2024-03-18 10:48:07 <wm-bb> <lucaswerkmeister> Sascha79: someone else might correct me, but I suspect that’s not possible yet – as I understand it, buildpacks are intentionally limited about what you can do at build time, so I wouldn’t expect “run arbitrary test commands” to be supported
2024-03-18 10:48:26 <wm-bb> <lucaswerkmeister> and if “run *specific, well-known* test commands (e.g. npm test)” was supported, you probably would’ve noticed it already
2024-03-18 10:48:52 <Sascha79> "go test ./..." (the standard command for golang) would be enough
2024-03-18 10:48:57 <wm-bb> <lucaswerkmeister> I agree it should be part of push-to-deploy, but I’d expect it to happen outside the build – that GitLab runs tests first and then builds and deploys a new image if they succeed
2024-03-18 10:49:06 <wm-bb> <lucaswerkmeister> probably worth a phabricator task in any case
2024-03-18 10:49:25 <wm-bb> <lucaswerkmeister> *looks if there already is one*
2024-03-18 10:49:35 <taavi> i would agree that's not really in-scope for the build service.
2024-03-18 10:54:16 <wm-bot> !log melos@tools-sgebastion-10 tools.itwiki toolforge-jobs restart itwiki-orphanizerbot
2024-03-18 10:54:18 <stashbot> Logged the message at
2024-03-18 11:00:23 <wm-bb> <lucaswerkmeister> I left a comment in that hopefully makes sense
2024-03-18 11:05:24 <Sascha79> I filed a feature request in
2024-03-18 11:08:56 <wm-bb> <lucaswerkmeister> 👍
2024-03-18 11:12:28 <dhinus> arturo: I do find some examples of using "!status" in the logs for this channel, not sure why it didn't work this time
2024-03-18 11:13:39 <arturo> 🤷
2024-03-18 11:23:42 <taavi> !log tools point tools-static proxy to tools-static-15 (bookworm) T311913
2024-03-18 11:23:45 <stashbot> Logged the message at
2024-03-18 11:23:46 <stashbot> T311913: Upgrade Toolforge static server ( to Debian Bullseye -
2024-03-18 13:13:18 <taavi> !log tools restart harbor services after docker service restart
2024-03-18 13:13:22 <stashbot> Logged the message at
2024-03-18 14:46:15 <bd808> !status Ok
2024-03-18 14:48:01 <bd808> arturo: wmopbot is the bot that does the !status trick. I don't actually remember what authn/authz it uses to decide who to listen to.
2024-03-18 14:50:42 <bd808> Looks likely that it is tied to the channel permissions. We can probably do some tuning here. bstorm and balloons both have rights that arturo does not have.
2024-03-18 15:05:42 <bd808> arturo & dhinus: you both have more irc superpowers in this channel now. I believe that you should both be able to use the "!status MESSAGE" feature of wmopbot as a result (as well as moderate the channel)
2024-03-18 15:07:01 <dhinus> thanks bd808 :)
2024-03-18 15:13:56 <dcaro> !status ok
2024-03-18 15:14:01 <dcaro> I was already :)
2024-03-18 15:50:34 <balloons> If you need me to give permissions for something let me know. I'm pretty sure I've been powers are spread around though
2024-03-18 16:04:10 <arturo> !status ok
2024-03-18 16:05:24 <arturo> !status ok
2024-03-18 16:05:58 <arturo> thanks bd808, but I don't think it was enough
2024-03-18 16:15:56 <danilo> the !status command is allowed to any user with wikimedia cloak, in any channel where wmopbot has +t flag in channel access list and the channel topic has "| [Ss]tatus: ... |"
2024-03-18 16:22:22 <dcaro> ohh, maybe arturo lost the cloak
2024-03-18 16:23:32 <arturo> I never had a wikimedia cloak
2024-03-18 16:24:17 <JJMC89> if you want one:
2024-03-18 16:37:17 <bd808> danilo: Thanks for the authoritative answer. :) Is there somewhere I should have been able to find that documented already?
2024-03-18 17:37:59 <danilo> bd808: there is a documentation in (restricted to who have +o in #wikimedia-ops)
2024-03-18 17:47:39 <bd808> danilo: all it says on that page about !status is "In channels where wmopbot has +t flag this command will change the status sction in the channel topic."
2024-03-18 17:49:40 <danilo> I added now that any user with Wikimedia cloak can use the command
2024-03-18 17:51:30 <bd808> thanks!
2024-03-18 18:45:54 <kindrobot> Is it possible to have a wildcard web proxie? I.e. * all routes to a k8s instance in our CloudVPS project.
2024-03-18 18:46:58 <kindrobot> This will save us from having to make & clean up a web proxy for each environment on catalyst
2024-03-18 18:58:01 <taavi> kindrobot: not at the moment. support for per-project subzones (e.g. allowing catalyst to use any subdomain was added last week, and wildcard defaults in those subzones seems like a rather reasonable and not-that-complicated feature request.
2024-03-18 18:58:56 <kindrobot> Oh nice taavi. Should I file a phab task/feature request?
2024-03-18 18:59:20 <kindrobot> And is there documentation on the per-project web proxies?
2024-03-18 19:07:21 <taavi> (sorry, my IRC bouncer froze for a second for some reason)
2024-03-18 19:07:24 <taavi> yeah, please do.
2024-03-18 19:09:38 <taavi> kindrobot: no docs yet. the tl;dr is that now a given dns zone managed by designate can be configured to be used via the web proxy system in the project that owns the zone. it needs an admin to configure it since we don't currently have an easy way to do self-service TLS cert generation.
2024-03-18 19:11:11 <kindrobot> OK, I'd be very interested in setting that up, so that our environments don't pollute the main subdomain
2024-03-18 19:11:53 <taavi> indeed your use case seems reasonable for this system. please file a task, I'll look into it tomorrow morning
2024-03-18 19:12:17 <kindrobot> Is the best place to file both tasks?
2024-03-18 19:12:57 <taavi> yes
2024-03-18 19:13:20 <kindrobot> Thanks!
2024-03-18 21:13:34 <wm-bb> <sohom_datta> I'm trying to run a pwb script using a custom buildservice container, I get the following error `Skipped '/workspace/': owned by someone else.` Any idea how I can resolve this ?
2024-03-18 21:14:09 <wm-bb> <sohom_datta> is the repo for the tool
2024-03-18 21:29:54 <wm-bb> <sohom_datta> Wait, during the build process, is the user running the commands as root in the container ?
2024-03-18 21:42:30 <bd808> @sohom_datta: quite likely, yes. It is most certainly not running as your tool's user.
2024-03-18 21:46:28 <bd808> You might get some ideas about how to get the auth layer setup by looking at
2024-03-18 22:30:39 <wm-bb> <sohom_datta> I finally got it working :) (It's a bit jank, but I basically cat from a different file that has the bad permissions)
2024-03-18 22:31:08 <wm-bb> <sohom_datta>
2024-03-18 22:31:25 <wm-bb> <sohom_datta> I should document this somewhere, else I will forget it :)
2024-03-18 22:51:13 <wm-bot> !log bd808@tools-sgebastion-10 tools.wikibugs-testing Update and restart irc task to pick up dc8a19e2 in MR!15
2024-03-18 22:51:16 <stashbot> Logged the message at
2024-03-18 23:08:53 <wm-bot> !log bd808@tools-sgebastion-10 tools.wikibugs-testing Upgraded to redis==5.0.3
2024-03-18 23:08:56 <stashbot> Logged the message at
2024-03-18 23:10:54 <wm-bb> <sohom_datta> bd808: Do you know of any tool on that is using a celery backend ?
2024-03-18 23:11:22 <wm-bb> <sohom_datta> link-dispenser has been a constant nightmare since the celery worker randomly looses connectivity with redis
2024-03-18 23:12:00 <wm-bb> <sohom_datta> I haven't been able to figure out what I am doing wrong
2024-03-18 23:12:55 <bd808> @sohom_datta: I think only whatever tool RoySmith has using it? That's the T318479 task you have commented on.
2024-03-18 23:12:56 <stashbot> T318479: Intermittent redis connection timeouts in Toolforge -
2024-03-18 23:13:50 <bd808> I did create T360378 today and will poke at that tomorrow if t.aavi doesn't tell me its the worst idea ever.
2024-03-18 23:13:50 <stashbot> T360378: Provide a Redis container for use within a tool's namespace -
2024-03-18 23:15:43 <bd808> I don't think anyone ever really considered the shared Redis being used for async task queuing. It was more intended to be a cache for expensive computations
2024-03-18 23:17:56 <taavi> bd808: hmm. does the build service allow creating an image consisting purely of some apt packages? or would you also need some language runtime in a buildservice-managed redis image?
2024-03-18 23:19:04 <taavi> (if yes, I'm wondering if someone registering tools.redis or similar and publishing a redis image for everyone to use would be better than a toollabs-images.git managed image)
2024-03-18 23:19:09 <bd808> taavi: in a buildservice managed one you need something else too because the Apt pack is only an "add-on". I used Python in the image (which was needed for templating stuff anyway)
2024-03-18 23:19:52 <bd808> I could make one via build-service but it will be a heavier image than just using the stuff we make the shared images with
2024-03-18 23:20:18 <taavi> gotcha. in that case a prebuilt image sounds somewhat reasonable.
2024-03-18 23:20:25 <bd808> The Apt build pack is pretty janky too, but that's a separate issue
2024-03-18 23:21:08 <taavi> yep
2024-03-18 23:22:17 <taavi> also, if you're poking around wikibugs today, mind giving a go and testing it works as expected and isn't missing any packages you expect to be there?
2024-03-18 23:22:35 <wm-bot> !log bd808@tools-sgebastion-10 tools.wikibugs-testing Update and restart irc task to pick up 3917e973 in MR!15
2024-03-18 23:22:38 <stashbot> Logged the message at
2024-03-18 23:23:28 <bd808> taavi: I'm about to stop for the day, but I'll try the new bastion when I pick things back up. :)
2024-03-18 23:24:26 <bd808> taavi: first thing: "bash: warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8): No such file or directory"
2024-03-18 23:25:35 <taavi> ugh. that's not the first weird locale issue I've seen in the last week
2024-03-18 23:26:30 <wm-bot> !log bd808@tools-bastion-12 tools.wikibugs-testing Rolling back to dc8a19e2
2024-03-18 23:26:32 <stashbot> Logged the message at

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